Senators and Guests, DiPhi is initiating a service program in which we all should take part. It’s really easy and it should be fun to prove that your society loves philanthropy more than <insert opposite society name here>.
There is a set of approved service events, and for each one in which you take part, your society will receive a point. The society with the most points wins the challenge! Guests can choose which society to support.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. When you participate in an event, you will receive a free DiPhi patch and a free “Live Phi or Di Hard” Magnet! Both are only available by participation.
Here’s a list of the opportunities (also see our calendar):
Volunteer at Crescent Green Assisted Living of Carrboro
Bringing Desserts to a UNC HOPE Community Dinner
Book Drive for Children with Cancer
Thanks all, and may the most PHI-lanthropic society win.
YH&OS, President Burges