Every petitioning member of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies is required to have a sponsora standing senator of the Societies who gives advice and helps lead petitioners through the petitioning process. Close bonds form between most sponsors and petitioners, and as such, many Senators refer to their sponsor as their “parent“. This tradition has created many “family lines” within the Societies, traceable back through the generations.

In the societies, the office of Archivist is held to maintain and research an active and complete DiPhi Family Tree.

In the fall of 2013, Historian Clay resurrected the tradition of maintaining a family tree. That tree was updated by President Ding in the fall of 2017, and the position of Archivist is currently held by a Deputy Officer working under the Historian.

To view the most up to date version of the DiPhi Family trees you will need to click the link below and then log in to a guest account on Ancestry.com created for this purpose. The login information for this account is below and must to be entered in order to view the family trees:

Username: diphiguest@gmail.com
Password: vincula4Amicitiae4&


Any corrections can be directed to maddy6@live.unc.edu.